You heard it here second, folks

Today I noticed the word "astroturf" used in a new way on BoingBoing:
Astroturfers attack PETA in the NYT
The "Center for Consumer Freedom" placed ads in the NYT attacking PETA, a radical pro-animal group. A little digging reveals that the "Center for Consumer Freedom" is an astroturf organization (fake grassroots) funded by the fast-food companies that PETA opposes. Link (Thanks, Seth!)
posted by Cory Doctorow at 05:22:59 AM

Pretty clever. I like it when someone uses one perfect word to describe that which would otherwise use many words, like "truthiness" and "scientician."

I predict we will see "astroturf" used more frequently this way throughout 2007.

(Perhaps one day I will find a word to describe "one perfect word to describe that which would otherwise use many words"?)


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